From the saddle to the sauna. Cycling and wellness in the Bu

By bike along the Vltava

From Budějovice to EuroVelo 7

The international long-distance cycle route EuroVelo 7 crosses Europe from north to south in the length of more than 7400 km and you can drive just one part of it in Budějovice. The section between České Budějovice and Týn nad Vltavou runs along the Vltava River and offers a varied landscape and interesting places along the way. You can start the route from the center of Budějovice, or from nearby Boršov nad Vltavou.

The road to Hluboká nad Vltavou is very undemanding with almost zero elevation gain, so it is also suitable for smaller cyclists. You can choose an asphalt left-bank cycle path, or the EV7 route along the quieter right bank. If you go along the cycle path, in Český Vrbný you will come across the Lída Polesná Water Sports Complex with an artificial canal for water slalom and also refreshments. A little further on, the road will take you to the village of Bavorovice with a village monument zone with estates in the style of a typical rural baroque. From here it is only a short distance to Hluboká along the dikes of old ponds lined with centuries-old oaks.

Hluboká nad Vltavou

The neo-Gothic pearl of southern Bohemia - Hluboká Chateau - will greet you from afar with its white glowing facade. It is one of the few Czech castles that is open all year round, so it is not a problem to combine a bike trip with his visit. In the chateau riding hall you will find an exposition of Aleš's South Bohemian Gallery with a number of interesting exhibitions. If you want to please the little ones, visit ZOO Hluboká. Although it is not one of the largest, it is located in a beautiful environment on the shores of Munich Pond. Hundreds of species of animals live here, including Ussuri tigers, which now boast fresh additions in the autumn.

Karvanické rocks and Ferrata Hluboká

Not far from Hluboká, the Vltava valley is sandwiched between steep banks lined with old fields. The bike path copies the terrain and in some places it is necessary to take and climb a hill. In these places, the swelling of the Hněvkovice reservoir, which was created in the early 1990s, begins. The view of one of the meanders of the river is offered by a rock peak called Baba, which can be reached on foot from the bike path. Only a few kilometers away, the high walls of the Karvanice Rocks protrude from the water. The Ferrata Hluboká, which is the longest Czech ferrata above the water surface, is stretched on them.

Charles Castle and the village of Purkarec

Between the Karvanice rocks and Purkarec, on a rocky promontory above the river, lies the ruins of Charles Castle. The Gothic building from the 14th century is the only monument to King Charles IV. In South Bohemia. The romantic ruins have been preserved in recent years, so you can enter the courtyard lined with stone walls through the castle moat over the new bridge. The adjacent village of Purkarec was probably founded at the same time as the castle. Purkarec has a rich history of raftsmen who floated log rafts of wood down the river to Prague. You can learn about the history of this ancient craft in the local boating hall. There is a boat dock by the church on the river bank, from where there are regular boat lines.

Hněvkovice and Týn nad Vltavou

If you continue, the terrace will divert you from the water to the South Bohemian countryside between fields and meadows. You will get back to the river directly at the Hněvkovice waterworks, where you will cross from the left to the right bank along the dam. You can admire the lock chamber, which overcomes the slope of 15 m.

In Týn nad Vltavou, don't forget to explore the underground corridors below the square, as well as the Municipal Museum and its beautiful exhibition of moldavites, tektites, which are typical for this area. Above the town you will find the Semenec lookout tower, from where it is only a short distance to the confluence of the Vltava and Lužnice rivers. In autumn, the surrounding deciduous trees begin to color beautifully, and the promontory with the Passion of Christ at the confluence looks like a fairy tale.

On a ship

The entire cycling route copies the navigable section of the river, which is called the Vltava Trail. Regular boat lines run between Budějovice and Týn, so it is directly offered to combine a trip with a cruise. You will not find timetables for individual ships on the website So hurry on board!

Where to go for wellness

How best to end a day on a bike? Well, relaxation in wellness or massage. A sauna and a hot tub are also especially useful in autumn. In Budejovice you will find several places for great relaxation.

Mini-brewery Kněžínek - in the area of ​​the mini-brewery on the outskirts of České Budějovice you will find, in addition to accommodation in a family hotel, also a wellness area with a swimming pool and sauna. The area is located next to the nature reserve Vrbenské rybníky, which is an important nesting place for water birds. It is an ideal starting point for hiking and cycling trips.

Wellness Hotel Diamant - hotel in Hluboká nad Vltavou with Aquamarine wellness & spa center on an area of ​​1500 m2. Here you will find a relaxation pool, hot tubs and a sauna world, as well as a wide range of massages.

Spa Hotel Vita - in the hotel complex in České Budějovice you will also find Orient Spa offering Thai, Filipino and Hawaiian massages and Turkish bath Hammam.

Parkhotel Hluboká - in the hotel you will find a private wellness area with a whirlpool, a Finnish and a steam sauna or a fitness center. You can also enjoy massages and beauty treatments, a beer bath or a romantic rose bath.

Hotel Záviš z Falkenštejna - hotel right in the center of Hluboká nad Vltavou offers a range of massages. In addition to classic sports, you can also look forward to a Breuss massage to relieve physical and mental blockages, or a Thai full body massage.

Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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