Paddleboard Hluboká

Paddleboardy be borrowed by the Vltava River, just a few minutes drive from the beautiful view of the castle Hluboka.

Price from 150 Kč /hour

Pleasant fitness horse paddleboardu is possible thanks to the popular "planks" that can be rented only a few meters from the river Vltava and then use the pier for comfortable boarding.

You can go downstream below the Hluboká Chateau, which is a view to which you will not forget and continue towards Purkarec the beautiful nature environment Karvanické gorge. Less demanding stretch the opposite direction when the first to go up the river Vltava to vodáckému campus Lida Polesna in Czech Vrbné back and now you can let go with the flow.

Car paddleboardů offers on-site 7 pieces, but by prior arrangement can provide a greater amount for a large group. To get paddleboardu course, paddle, waterproof bag and a possible pump, cover for cell phone and other accessories.





Phone: +420 602 746 746

Sports and recreation complex Hluboka nad Vltavou


Price list

1 hour / 150 Kč
2 hours / 200 Kč
3-4 hours / 300 Kč

5-8 hours / 800 Kč

The payment is 1000Kč.



Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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