Confluence of Vltava and Lužnice

The confluence of longest Czech river Vltava and the right-hand tributary of the river Lužnice less than 5 km behind Týn nad Vltavou is marked by the Passion of St. Jan Nepomucký, which was built here probably at the end of the 18th century to protect against floods and water crafts of which Jan Nepomucký is the patron. Boží muka also played a role in the film Kameňák by director Zdeněk Troška.

When you stand at the confluence and look down the river, you will have a protected area on your right - the Lužnice Natural Monument, which stretches over 432 hectares from Veselí nad Lužnicí to the confluence.

On the opposite bank of the Vltava lies the village of Neznašov, where you will find a chateau, the funeral chapel of its former owners, the Berchtold family, the Church of the Holy Trinity surrounded by a cemetery and the Za neznašovským kohoutem nature trail with several lookout points.


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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