Sport and relaxation area Hluboká

The largest and most comprehensive sports and recreation complex in southern Bohemia is located near the Vltava River and a bicycle trail leading from Czech Budejovice Hluboká.

Pleasant campus environment offers plenty of space for relaxation and active recreation for all ages. 

For the youngest is Špuntárium outdoor playground for children 6 years old children's cable network, then through the city for over 12 years it is possible to use a rope park adrenaline center. For the whole family is available adventure mini golf in pleasant surroundings ponds and plants. The resort also offers workoutové field, 4 field for baseball and softball, 4 beach volleyball courts, table tennis and a restaurant with an outdoor terrace and a cocktail bar.

An important part of the local rental which is situated at the beach volleyball courts and near the Vltava River, which is situated on a pier with mooring. The car found a small motorboat, paddleboardy, pedalboard, kayaks, scooters, road scooters or electric bikes. Equipment rentals are constantly expanding and modernizing.

Bathers will get their local sandy beach, from which access to the Vltava River through the swim pier.

For more information on the Web


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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