The prospect Baba

Baba prospect is beautiful view of the river Vltava and near Hluboka and local branch. At the very prospect leads slightly more difficult route along the red tourist trail up the hill just past one of the local branch, where until now bred animals. 

The prospect to get the water where it can be anchored at the pier. Bicycle on an asphalt bike trail deep-Purkarec also walk or cycle path or another, individually selected route.

Output at the prospect, however, is common to all - terrain local forest. At the point where the red trail turns left from the asphalt cycling (in the direction Deep -> Purkarec far as educational signs "posts no. 4 - Baba ') after the heading uphill. At the top of the hill turn right (at the point where it is hidden a small overhang), you will enjoy a short walk downhill and back uphill. The very prospect is not marked, and its discovery may light your torment. However, the view will be worth it.


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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