St. Rosalia

Guided sightseeing cruises Budweis. You will experience the city differently. From the water level.

Price from 220 Kč /ticket

Guided sightseeing cruises through Budějovice

České Budějovice, with its location at the confluence of the Vltava and Malše rivers, directly encourages you to invite you to explore the city in an untraditional and comfortable way from the water. We offer guided sightseeing cruises on the rivers Malše and Vltava in the historic city center. Twelve-seater ship Sv. Rosalie with the guide departs at 2 pm, 4 pm and 6 pm from Wednesday to Sunday. The length of the cruise is about 45 minutes. Occupancy will be announced on the spot in Café VLNNA, or by phone +420 607 030 510. The ship departs with min. number of 2 people. Private cruises can also be arranged upon request.

You will experience the city differently. From the water surface.

The approximately 4 km / 45 minute long cruise begins by embarking at the romantic blind arm of the Malše River. During the cruise you will see the oldest preserved monuments - the city walls, including the towers and bastions. You sail through the confluence of the Malše and Vltava rivers, under five architecturally interesting bridges and between important historical buildings. The cruise continues at the confluence further along the Vltava around the winter and summer swimming pool to Jirásek's weir and then upstream around Stromovka, MOTOR ČB and Dynamo stadiums, Koh-i-Noor, waterworks to Luční weir and back.

Price list: 180 CZK / adult, 140 CZK child up to ten years.

Boat tickets can be purchased at the neighboring floating Café VLNNA, which is also the starting point for the boat. Come earlier and shorten the time with a good coffee and dessert before leaving. We will be happy to prepare refreshments for you on the boat.

A part of the boarding pier is also a rental of pedal boats, rowboats and paddleboards. Pedal boat 220 CZK / hour, rowing boat 130 CZK / hour, paddleboard 120 CZK / hour. Rental hours according to the operation of the neighboring Café VLNNA.

You can also use the regular boat line between Sokolský ostrov and Malý jez. The line runs from Wednesday to Sunday at regular times.




Phone: +420 607 030 520


Floating Cafe VLNNA, Sokol island



time of departure can be verified in a Cafe VLNNA or phone +420 608 001 181

min 2 pax

In June from Wednesday to Sunday,  always at 11:00, 14:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 




Price list

190 CZK / adult, 280 CZK child up to 18 years.


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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